5 interesting applications of artificial intelligence you might not know about

1. Sentiment Analysis: AI can be used to analyze the sentiment of text data. This can be used to monitor consumer sentiment around a brand or product, or to understand the overall tone of a piece of text.

2. Image Recognition: AI can be used to automatically identify objects in images. This can be used for security applications (to identify intruders in a security system) or for general image search (to find all images containing a particular object).

3. Speech Recognition: AI can be used to convert speech to text. This can be used for applications like voice-to-text transcription or speech-based search.

4. Recommendation Systems: AI can be used to build recommendation systems. This can be used to recommend products or content to users based on their past behavior.

5. Fraud Detection: AI can be used to detect fraud. This can be used to detect fraudulent activity in financial transactions or to flag suspicious activity in general.


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